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Scrapbook, 1990-1991

 Item — Box: 4, item: 2
Identifier: I

Scope and Contents note

[Cover] PI wheel; {inside front cover] photo of Jo Farish, president 1990-1991; [3] July 1990 divider; [5] clipping and photo of Jo Farish, president-elect and delegate to 69th Annual PI Convention, and Sue Trautwein, president of PI; [6] candid photo from convention; [7] August 1990 divider; [9] program from installation meeting; [10] photo PC installation of officers; [11] photo installation meeting; [13] September 1990 divider; [15] photos from meeting; [17] October 1990 divider; [18] October Carrolltones; [19] proclamation from Tracy Stallings, mayor, proclaiming October 1990 be set aside to honor members of PI; [20] photos October meeting; [21] photos October meeting; [22] photos October meeting; [23] photos October meeting; [24] flyer Fall Council, Jekyll Island; [25] Fall Council program; [26] map of Jekyll ISland, photo of ladies attending Fall Council; [27] picture postcards Jekyll Island; [28] 50th wedding anniversary invitation for Mr. and Mrs. Leroy V. Templeman; [29] picture postcards and photo Jekyll Island; [30] photos Jekyll Island; [31] photo Jekyll Island; [32] photos Jekyll; [33] 1990 October 18 poem and place card from PC meeting; [34] 1990 October 11 clipping “A Soldier’s Poem of Prayer”; [35] November 1990 divider; [36] November Carrolltones; [37] 1990 November 15 poems and place card from PC meeting; [38] 1990 November 15 flyers about Carroll County Educational Foundation; [39] photo from PC meeting; [40] photo PC meeting’ [41] 1990 November 13 program from PC of Haralson County meeting; [43] December 1990 divider; [45] invitation to December PC meeting; [46] 1990 December Governor’s Bulletin; [47] Christmas card; [48] Christmas card; [49] January 1991 divider; [51] clipping Heart Fund Drive goal; [53] February 1991 divider; [55] Sons of Norway reminder; [56] 1991 February 7 clipping Debbie S. Kemp representing PC of Carrollton for Disabled Professional Woman of the Year; [57] convention of clipping; [58] 1990 February 15 PIF Sweet-heart poem for Emma Bohannon written by Jo Farish; between [58] and [59] 1992 September 25 thinking of you card to Jo Farish from Dorothy; [59] March 1991 divider; [61] March Carrolltones; [62] 1991 March 8 letter to Martha Jones, poem by Jo Farish; [63] April 1991 divider; [65] April Carrolltones; photos PC meeting; [67] photos PC meeting; [68] 1991 April 4 clipping and place cards from April meeting; [69] May 1991 divider; [71] photo and invitation from Roosevelt Warm Springs Institute for Rehabilitation; [72] photo from Warm Springs; [73] photos from Warm Spring; [74] photos from Warm Springs; [75] Neiman-Marcus $250.00 Cookie Recipe; [76] Roosevelt Warm Springs Institute for Rehabilitation flyers; between [76] and [77] Roosevelt Warm Springs Institute for Rehabilitation flyers; [77] May Carrolltones; [78] clipping Warm Spring kitchen laboratory dedication; [79] PI District Convention Macon, Georgia program and mission statement; [80] photo Governor’s Banquet, program, pin; [81] photos Governor’s Banquet; [82] photos District Convention; [83] 1991 May 3 letter inviting PC members and guests to the Civic Night Dinner; [84] Civic Night Dinner Program and place cards; [85] photo Civic Night Dinner; [86] photos Civic Night Dinner; [87] May Carrolltones; [88] 1991 June 8 program Northwest Region Workshop; [89] photos officer installation; between [90] and back cover miscellaneous poems, program, notes and cards from 1988,1989,1990 and 1991.


  • 1990-1991

Conditions Governing Access note

Open to all users; no restrictions.


From the Collection: 22.43 Linear feet (16 boxes and 12 oversize items)


From the Collection: English

General note

Inventory completed by volunteer, Susan Weems

Repository Details

Part of the University of West Georgia Special Collections Repository

Special Collections, Ingram Library
University of West Georgia
1601 Maple Street
Carrollton GA 30118-2000 United States