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Scrapbook, 1982-1983

 Item — Box: 4, item: 1
Identifier: I

Scope and Contents note

[2] Lists of officers and installation program; [Between pages 2 and 3] a special 4 page insert of Tour of Homes photos and articles written by Pilots on club projects and the 2000 Spring Tour of Homes and photos advertising the Annual Pilot Club Spring Tour of Homes from April, 2000; a 1995 list of members divided into dinner groups for Friendship Dinners; [3] Clipping of installation of President Emma Bohannon; [4] and ;[5] installation photos [Between pages 6 and 7] GA District 53rd Annual Convention Program, April 1982 [7] [8] [9] Convention photos; [10] International Convention hotel advertisement; [12] [13] Chicago City materials; [14] International Convention Installation program; [15] President Emma pictured with International President; [16] [17] Photos of GA District Pilots at International Convention; [18] Drury Lane Theaters Stagebill; [19] Chicago brochures; [20] 1982 July 19 PI Convention Banquet and memorial service programs; [21] 1982 July 20 clipping of PC meeting; [22] 1982 August 28 clippings chicken barbeque; [23] 1982 August 31 letter of thanks from National Kidney Foundation of Georgia; [24] letter from camper National Kidney Foundation of Georgia; [25] 1982 September 9 clipping Lt. Governor, Myrna Warner, visits PC, 1982 September letter of thanks from Lt. Governor, Georgia District PC; [26] clipping Ann Rampley speaker at PC; [27] photos Ann Rampley at PC meeting; [28] 1982 October 15-17 Fall Council Georgia District PI program and bookmark; [29] photo from fall council; [30] 1982 October 17-23 program National Business Women’s Week; [31] photos PC meeting; [32] photos PC meeting; [33] 1982 November 18 program Tanner Memorial Hospital welcomes PC; [34] photos Tanner Hospital; [35] photos Tanner Hospital; [36] Photos Tanner Hospital; [38] Christmas letter to PC from Georgia District Administrative Council; [39] photos PC Christmas meeting; [40] photos Don Hall and Carrollton High School Dance Board; [41] 1982 January 20 program for heart fund kick-off; [42] clippings American Heart Association fund raising projects; [43] 1982 February 17 clippings heart fund drive; [44] clipping heart fund drive; [45] 1983 February 17 PC Share Pilot Program; [46] 1983 February 26 Region VI Workshop program; [not numbered] 1983 February 28 note of thanks from Myrna Warner, Lt. Governor; [47] invitations to teas honoring Lt. Governor, Governor and Secretary; [48] clipping new member installation, photos; [49] Easter card; [50] 1983 April 10 Inspirational and Memorial Service program; [51] 1983 April 8-10 invitation to Georgia District Convention; [52] district convention photos; [53] convention photos; between [53] and [54] loose convention photos; [54] convention photos; [55] convention photos; [65] convention photos; [57] convention photos; [58] convention photos; [59] convention photos; [60] convention photos; [61] 1982 May 20 Emma Bohannon’s Certificate of Perfect Attendance; [62] 1982 September Governor’s Bulletin; [63] clipping heart fund drive; [64] clipping “jail day” scholarship fundraiser; [65] 1983 April 21 PC program Handicapped Professional Woman of the Year; [66] empty; [67] empty; [68] empty; [69] thank you note; [70] note, place card, flower card; [71] 1982 April 29; thank you note; [72] correspondence to Emma Bohannon; [73] letter to Emma Bohannon from Ann Rampley; [74] photos PC installation on new officers; [75] photos PC installation on new officers; [76] photos PC installation on new officers; [77] empty.


  • 1982-1983

Conditions Governing Access note

Open to all users; no restrictions.


From the Collection: 22.43 Linear feet (16 boxes and 12 oversize items)


From the Collection: English

General note

Inventory completed by volunteers, Judy Jackson and Susan Weems

Repository Details

Part of the University of West Georgia Special Collections Repository

Special Collections, Ingram Library
University of West Georgia
1601 Maple Street
Carrollton GA 30118-2000 United States