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Campaign Files

Identifier: I

Scope and Contents note

From the Collection:

The collection consists of the papers of Guy Scull from 1978 to 1984 related to his work for Representative Newt Gingrich.

The campaign files consist of records related to Gingrich’s campaigns for the U.S. House of Representatives from Georgia’s Sixth District in 1978, 1980, 1982, and 1984. They contain fundraising records for Friends of Newt Gingrich (FONG), data on Georgia population figures, campaign strategy notes and memoranda, and materials from the National Republican Congressional Committee (RNC), especially regarding the Republican Party’s attempts to win a majority in the U.S. House of Representatives. The series also contains political ephemera, such as bumper stickers and fliers.

The congressional office records document the operation of Gingrich’s Washington, D.C. office during the Ninety-sixth, Ninety-seventh, and Ninety-eighth Congresses. The records consist of clippings, press releases, office memoranda and newsletters, files on personnel matters, and writings by Gingrich and others. There is a large amount of clippings; the congressional office tracked coverage of Newt Gingrich in local and national press outlets and sent this information out to staff members. The office memoranda document the day-to-day running of Gingrich’s Washington office, especially with regard to Scull’s role as a legislative assistant, in which he wrote response letters to constituent mail and trained other staffers how to do so. There are also many memoranda regarding personnel matters in which staff comment on one another’s performance and personality. Related items include the “Staff News” newsletter, an intra-office newsletter for Gingrich staffers. Other items in the series include excerpts from the Congressional Record, especially regarding the House’s disciplinary measures against Charles Diggs (D-MI) and Michael “Ozzie” Myers (D-PA), two members of Congress convicted on corruption charges. The series also includes Scull’s March 1977 application to serve on Gingrich’s 1978 campaign.

The artifacts include campaign buttons for Gingrich, Ronald Reagan, and others, along with a Newt Gingrich nameplate and two pig figurines. There are also hats from Gingrich congressional campaigns.


  • Majority of material found within Bulk, 1978-1984
  • 1954-1984


Conditions Governing Access note

Open to all users.


From the Collection: 9.56 Linear feet (21 boxes, 1 OV folder)


From the Collection: English

Repository Details

Part of the University of West Georgia Special Collections Repository

Special Collections, Ingram Library
University of West Georgia
1601 Maple Street
Carrollton GA 30118-2000 United States